1 - Person PT Start Package - Innline PT (mobile version)
Personal trainer
Are you a personal trainer and want to add EMS training to your offer? Great decision! Training with the use of muscle electrostimulation is dynamically gaining popularity. Customers like that workouts can last as little as 30 minutes and the effects will be visible much faster than with traditional training. Thanks to EMS training, your offer will be much more competitive. In our e-store, you will find everything you need to start running EMS training – from EMS devices, through training clothes to the necessary accessories.
Enabled filters:
1 - Persons PT START Package - Innline PT (mobile version)
1 - Persons PT Package - Innline PT (portable version)
1 - Persons PT Package - Innline PT (mobile version)
2 - Persons PT Start Package - Innline PT (mobile version)
2 - Persons PT START Package - Innline PT (mobile version)
2 - Persons PT Package - Innline PT (mobile version)
2 - Persons PT Package - Innline PT (mobile version)